Soft Cheese

All of our soft and lactic cheeses that are available online can be found here. Choose from our award winning selection.

White Lake Cheese


Driftwood is a beautifully creamy and soft textured cheese. Lightly coated in ash you may notice subtle peppery and earthy undertones, alongside citrus notes. This award-winning cheese is one that sells itself. Driftwood complements a...
White Lake Cheese

Bagborough Brie - Slightly ...

This Brie-style cheese is made using Jersey cow milk for a rich, decadent flavour. It is a visual showstopper with its brilliant white rind enrobing a golden, creamy centre which breaks down and softens with...
£3.13 £6.25
White Lake Cheese

Pavé Cobble

Pavé Cobble is immediately recognisable with its ash coating and decapitated pyramid shape with its name coming from the cobblestones in a French bike race.  Although a typical shape for a French goat's cheese, this...
White Lake Cheese

Little She

This is a soft white cheese with a bloomy rind. Made in the style of a Brie or a Camembert, this cheese will soften as it ripens. This cheese is gentle and delicate, evolving slightly...
White Lake Cheese

Little Lilly

Little Lilly is a light brie style cheese with a bloomy rind and a vibrant white colour. Aged for just 10-14 days, this cheese keeps its youthful fresh, simple flavours. With a mild, creamy flavour it...
White Lake Cheese

Michael's Mount

Michael's Mount is a lactic goat's milk cheese with an ivory coloured rind. This rind gives mushroom flavours from the outside and the interior is smooth and creamy. A peppery, lightly spicy flavour gives this...
White Lake Cheese


Solstice is a soft, washed rind cheese made using Jersey cow's milk. Its rind is washed in local Somerset Cider Brandy. The wash gives savoury aromas and flavours which work in perfect harmony with the...
White Lake Cheese


Eve is one of our most recognisable cheeses with its beautiful, vine leaf wrap. It is a soft, goat's milk cheese washed in Somerset cider brandy, which, alongside the leaf wrap allows this cheese to...
White Lake Cheese


Tor is a beautifully crafted fresh lactic goat’s cheese formed into a pyramid shape with a firm texture. It has a unique rind and is lightly coated with ash to add a very subtle peppery...
Sold Out
White Lake Cheese

Heart of Gold (Brie Style C...

An excellent example of a mild and distinctly creamy brie made from Jersey cow’s milk made into a lovely heart shape. The perfect gift for a loved one, or to go on top of a...
White Lake Cheese

English Sheep Curd

With a creamy yet savoury flavour, this is a soft, fresh cheese made from sheep’s milk. This fresh, slightly acidic cheese has a richer, rounder flavour than our Goat's Curd with a sweet, sheep's milk...
White Lake Cheese

English Goat Curd

This is an extremely versatile, light, clean and fresh flavoured cheese which is becoming increasingly popular for its many uses in the kitchen in both sweet and savoury dishes. Perfect for pasta sauces, dips, ravioli,...
White Lake Cheese

Glaston Tile

Glaston Tile is a fresh, young goat's cheese, but with a firmer texture than a curd. It's pre-drained which removes some of the moisture, giving it a more pronounced acidity and a firmer texture which...
White Lake Cheese


Hamstone is a soft, lactic cheese with a bright white bloomy rind. In contrast to this perlescent white exterior, a deep golden yellow interior shines through from the Jersey cow's milk we use. This cheese...
White Lake Cheese


This new addition to our White Lake family is a small but perfectly formed cheese. Inspired by the French Crottin, it is similar to that, and can be eaten at both a young age and...
  • Showing 1 - 15 of 15 result