So your White Lake Cheese order

has arrived.. What now?


If you’re not planning to eat your cheese right away, 

then it’s a good idea to look after your cheese and 

store it correctly until you’re ready to eat it.


For most people, storing your cheese in the fridge is the best place for it. 

If you have a larder or a cellar, you can store your whole, hard cheeses 

there, but any cheese that is soft, blue or cut would fair best in the fridge.

The best place to store your cheese will be the salad compartment, it’s 

slightly warmer and more humid compared to the rest of the fridge.


Our cheeses are either wrapped in wax paper or vacuum sealed as 

portions, keep the cheese in its original wrapping or wrap in foil if you 

aren’t going to eat it all in one go.


It is perfectly natural for cheese to develop mould, they do go hand-in-

hand; if you find that your cheese has some surface mould after 

spending some time in the fridge, simply scrape/slice away the surface 

mould and enjoy the great taste beneath. 


How long will our cheese keep for?


All of our cheeses come with a ‘Use by’ date and batch number 

information located on the back of the cheese.

We prefer to send out cheese that is ripe and ready to be eaten, and 

the use by date will vary depending on whether it’s a hard or soft cheese.


The appearance of your cheese


If you’re new to artisanal cheese, you may be surprised by the 

appearance of some of the cheeses. From wrinkly and bloomy rinds, to  

vibrant colours and unique textures - these will look magnificently 

different to the cheese you’ll find in a supermarket. Here at White Lake 

Cheese, we celebrate the unique and wonderful ideas and flavours 

explored through artisanal cheesemaking. And while we focus first and 

foremost on the flavours of the cheese, we do love the visually captivating 

aspect of our cheeses as well.


Serving your cheese


Nearly all of our cheeses are a perfect addition to any cheese board, with 

strikingly beautiful rinds, flavours and textures that will happily stand 

alone it’s no wonder why so many of our cheeses hold awards to their 

names. You may also have recipe cards placed inside your cheese box 

specific to your order, or you may want to visit our website for recipe suggestions too.